Just like a spiraling galaxy, learning has no limits - let’s explore the universe of knowledge together! Unlock your full potential with personalized, expert tutoring designed to guide you through every challenge beyond the stars.

Simple Learning Services

  • Algebra I/II:

    Individual Learning Plan - $20/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $30/hr

    College Algebra:

    Individual Learning Plan - $20/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $30/hr


    Individual Learning Plan - $25/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $35/hr


    Individual Learning Plan - $25/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $35/hr

    Ordinary Differential Equations:

    Individual Learning Plan - $30/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $40/hr

  • High School Biology:

    Individual Learning Plan - $20/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $30/hr

    High School Physics:

    Individual Learning Plan - $20/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $30/hr

    University Physics:

    Individual Learning Plan - $25/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $35/hr

    Anatomy and Physiology:

    Individual Learning Plan - $25/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $35/hr

    Organic Chemistry:

    Individual Learning Plan - $30/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $40/hr

    Cell Biology:

    Individual Learning Plan - $30/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $40/hr

  • ACT/SAT Math:

    Individual Learning Plan - $25/hr

    Group Learning Plan - $35/hr


  • The Individual Learning Plan is perfect if you are looking for a one on one learning experience. The Group Learning Plan is perfect if you and your classmates are looking for a learning experience as part of a group.

  • Up to a maximum of 4 people.

  • It all depends on your needs. If you are looking for a one to one, where you have complete autonomy of what you want to learn, then the individual learning plan is for you. If you are looking to work with your friends on a tough class then choose the group learning plan.

    If you are on a budget, the group learning plan is perfect as well. Although the price is higher than the individual learning plan, if you have four people in the group, you can divide the cost amongst yourselves and save some money.